Address | 0 | REAR OF 1118 W 6TH | STREET |
Street Status | LANDLOCKED |
School District | CITY OF ERIE SCHOOL |
Acreage | 0.0525 |
Classification | R |
Land Use Code | RES VACANT |
Legal Description | REAR OF 1118 W 6 ST 31 X 73.70 |
Topo | LEVEL |
Utility | NONE |
Zoning | Please contact your municipal zoning officer |
Deed Book | 2023 |
Deed Page | 018971 |
Land Value / Taxable | 700 / 700.00 |
Building Value / Taxable | 0 / 0.00 |
Total Value / Taxable | 700 / 700.00 |
Clean & Green | Inactive |
Homestead Status | Inactive |
Farmstead Status | Inactive |
Lerta Amount | 0 |
Lerta Expiration Year | 0 |